
Written September 9, 2017

As I sit here listening to an old recording of Brahms' Violin Sonata in G, I feel so blessed to be able to hear and play music. The inner voices of the piano/ pianist bring out his beautiful lines and colours. Indian classical music also has harmony, but it's understated like a watercolor painting. Here's a gesture that carries inside it its essence. As I played through the sonata again after many years, I heard it differently from before. A rag did I hear? Suchsubtle turns between his chromatics-- colours I had overlooked before... Now they seem to ignite other worlds in me, hidden from most.

Just as a rag is alive, so a Western mode can be. Maybe not equally so, but the great Western masters could also hear, access, and live in these other realms. Balance is utterly important-- between the the voices, choosing which amount to come out and declare, Here it is, or Here I am!, how to be clear but not boastful... How to hold the Truth of many worlds is a blessing with great responsibility. How to realize and release all that is within us, to recognize the Truth of the sun which never sets...


Walking the room


Tribute to Dhruba Ghosh